Rankin County Land Roll
Rankin county is one of the fastest growing counties in Mississippi, located east of Jackson (the capital) And Hinds County, the half rural, half urban county has seven incorporated cities. The county has an area of 800 square miles and may be thought of as a “bedroom” community environment to Jackson.
Madison County Land Roll
This is strictly an estimate on annual property taxes and is based on the values that you enter. Actual tax amounts may vary.The data provided is for informational purposes only. Use of this information acknowledges my understanding of these conditions.
Note: A special tax district may apply for some properties but should not be significant except for the Farmhaven Fire District which is 8 mills. A title search by a qualified provider should be required for exact estimates. This is only an estimate and neither the Tax Assessor or Tax Collector assumes responsibility for providing this service
Hinds County Land Roll
Hinds County is in the process of updating its website by adding new designs, new interactive features, more user friendly links, videos and pictures to highlight the historic areas of the County, and some of Hinds County’s most attractive scenery. This new website will also include many county events, board agendas, messages from the County Administrator, messages from each Supervisor, and many more exciting features. Our aim is to have a site that will highlight our Capital City and other Municipalities in the County including the unincorporated areas. I am excited about this needed update and would like to thank the Board of Supervisors for allowing me to move forward with this project.