Our team of capable experts at Mississippi Real Estate Solutions offer rental consultation to tenants. We have a good understanding of property management and are aware of all aspects associated with it. We are experienced in working with tenants to assist them in getting back on track when and if they are behind in their rental payments.
We can create a strategic plan to help tenants to catch up on their monthly rent and help them to maintain consistency in their payment each month.
If you are a property owner, more than likely, you may have concerns about payment issues with your tenants. We can put those concerns to rest for you. The most ideal situation would mean that a tenant would lease or rent your property and pay on time each and every month, but we don’t live in a perfect world. Situations can occur that may cause your tenant to pay late or not to pay at all.
This is where Mississippi Real Estate Solutions come in. We will thoroughly screen the tenants to make sure that they are qualified as good renters. However, when circumstances arise in which the tenant is unable to take care of payment obligations, we know how to handle that too.
Initially, we strictly maintain good rent collection guidelines and additionally, we may offer a reward to tenants for paying on time. For example, we may give tenants a monthly discount on their rent for paying consistently.
We go a step further by avoiding a tenant’s lapse in payment by:
- Being responsive in dealing with repairs and maintenance
- Consistently stick to rules and regulations set forth in the rental agreement
- Consistently stick to rules and regulation set forth by fair housing laws
- Communicating regularly with tenant
- Providing important information to tenant
Once payment is late, we give tenants at least five days to respond. We take action once the fifth day has passed by contacting the tenant by phone to schedule a rental consultation. Upon consulting with the client, we seek to find out the reason for the nonpayment and move forward to work out a reasonable payment plan; possible an automatic bank transfer.
We are aware that nonpayment of monthly rent creates
trouble for the landlord because naturally they have to pay a monthly mortgage to keep the property.
As a professional property management company, we are able to see various types of issues and immediately implement solutions to fix the problem. We are fully knowledgeable about the governing laws when it comes to landlord’s and tenant’s rights and will enforce it when it is necessary.
In the case where the rent is becoming impossible to collect, we will follow the legal procedures by sending out a rent notification and thereafter, an eviction notice if necessary. However, we prefer first to try to resolve the issue amicable with the tenant by offering a rental consultation.
When all else fails, we will increase our methods of collecting payment. We understand that good tenants may experience unforeseen obstacles and we do take that into consideration. However, the property owner’s interest comes first. We are here to serve you adequately and efficiently; both property owner and tenant. So call us today to see how we can assist you. (601)713-0007